How many boutonnières?

A question we receive frequently in our wedding floral design proposal review calls. You know what else happens A LOT? The Fiancè is forgotten. Whhaattt? Don’t worry we know you love them, there are so many things to think about that we get it and are here to help!

Back to the question of who receives a boutonnière?

The most common list:




Host Couples / Guest Book Attendants

Grandma & Grandpa

Personal Attendants


Is it normal to have this many wedding attendants / guests receive boutonnières on your wedding day? Simple answer: Yes

Long answer: It all depends. I tell my wedding clients that there is no normal anymore. We are not in the 1980s or your grandparent’s wedding. If you want to flower everyone and that is important to YOU and your fiancé then by all means we will be happy to flower everyone. If you have been dreaming about a visually impactful floral piece as wedding guests enter your wedding venue or beautiful, seasonal garden centerpieces on all the guest tables at your reception and you are on a budget, let’s shift the money you would have spent on boutonnières over to the big vision of floral designs. No rule book anymore people! It’s more about spending your money smart and intentionally.

I like to think of the small flower pieces of a wedding day, like boutonnieres, flowers on your wedding cake, petals, wrist corsage for Moms to name a few, as adding that small detail that yes people will appreciate but if they are not given, they might be missed for a milasecond but that’s about it. You might even hear an Aunt say “they were smart to not do boutonniéres because they always get squished or the flower heads fall off* when guests are hugging anyway”.

*we work really hard to make them strong and secure to not have the flower head to fall off, but it does happen

My point is to put your wedding floral design money where it means the most to you and what you want to create for your wedding guests.

That’s what we are here for during your wedding floral design process leading up to your wedding day. We take time to decide what stays, what goes and what is the ultimate WOW factor that creates an experience that you and your guests will remember forever.

We would love to be part of your wedding day in seasonal, floral designs in the North Dakota or Minnesota.

Until the next flowering adventure,

Photographer: Libby Lu Photography


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