Layering Floral Designs

I am constantly working on what works best for me in the process of design for my wedding clients. Each method I learn creates a layer of knowledge, thus creating a style unique to the company to share with you.

I have started to design with one flower and layering, like knowledge, really creating a distinct design each time. Layering a floral design takes time and patience. Below I show what I was up to this week using this method.

I have found recently I work best when photographing my designs when I think I am finished. 9 times out of 10 what seems to be working when I am designing close up, changes when I move back to take in the whole piece. Seeing it through a photo helps guide me on where I need to edit to get the desired feel I am going for in the floral arrangement.

By cutting out two or three flowers, I brought more of an airy wedding floral design with the alstromeria flower.

Then I added the larkspur which added to the garden style with added texture to the floral arrangement. A little more depth came through the floral design.

At the end, I added a bit of pizazz to the softness with the magenta matsumoto aster. The texture is a bit sharper than the other two and that is where the personality comes in for all to enjoy.

This process is really fun and creates a piece of art when designing for weddings and events. I use this process with all my wedding floral designs.


Wedding Arbor Floral Designs


Q & A #1