Plains Art Gala Floral Headpiece

Do you feel it? Do you feel the energy starting to wake up in your conversations, creativity and life in general?

Last week I had the opportunity to design for amazing people, who am I kidding, all my clients are amazing. I connected with them to create flora abundance with their vision and my experience in working with flower farms, design mechanics and floristry.

Flowers last week came from The Floral Reserve in Massachusetts and Shotwell Greenhouse in Fargo.

First up was a hand bouquet with draping plant dyed ribbon for LibbyLu Photography

I designed with an armature created from curly willow branches as the Coral Charm peonies and Eufloria Peach Parasol spray garden roses can get bulky and heavy when they are not given some space. Now can we all give a hand to the Icelandic Poppies from Weatherlow Farms. Show stopper for sure!

Direction from Libby - Bright and Fun!

Next up - it was flower subscription week! The assortment was incredible as always from The Floral Reserve and Oregon Costal Flowers.

Lastly was the a floral headpiece for my friend Alicia from Alicia Hauff Studio - who had an art piece and attended the Plains Art Gala on Saturday. Below you can see a video of the closeup to get an idea of all the textures used.

What’s up in the Garden?

The forsythia is blasting it’s confidence in yellow as you see above. The David Austin roses are showing that they may actually survived Fargo winters. Perennial anemones are greening up nicely. Stay tuned for the tulips. I didn’t grow as many this year but excited just the same!

The last few trays were planted last week with zinnias and love in a puff vine. Handful of ranunculus corms are being pre-sprouted. I also took the dahlia tubers out of storage and a fair share made it through the winter. Last year I pre-sprouted them but I think this year I’m going to plant them in the ground and be surprised on who makes it.


Mother’s Day with Juice Box


Gallery in Bloom